available24hours | Boolean
| 22 | Specifies if the availability is 24 hours a day. If omitted, this information is unknown or heterogeneous. |
contactDetailsAddress | MultilingualString
| 5 | Complete address of the contact. Alternatively use the separate fields to describe the address. |
contactDetailsCity | MultilingualString
| 9 | City of the contact. |
contactDetailsEMail | String
| 13 | E-Mail address of the contact. |
contactDetailsFax | String
| 12 | Fax of the contact. |
contactDetailsHouseNumber | String
| 7 | House number of the contact. Supports a multiplicity up to two, to specify lower and upper numbers. |
contactDetailsLanguage | Language
| 4 | Language(s) this contact is able to speak resp. understand. |
contactDetailsLogoUrl | Url
| 21 | Url to define a logo of this contact. |
contactDetailsMoreInfo | MultilingualString
| 24 | Additional information relating to the contact. |
contactDetailsOwnership | OwnershipTypeEnum
| 26 | Information if the contact in question is a private or public institution. |
contactDetailsPostcode | String
| 8 | Postcode of the contact. |
contactDetailsResponsibility | MultilingualString
| 23 | Specification of what service or equipment the contact is responsible for. |
contactDetailsStreet | String
| 6 | Street of the contact. |
contactDetailsTelephoneNumber | String
| 11 | Telephone Number of contact. |
contactOrganisationName | MultilingualString
| 0 | Name of the organisation or service. Do not use this attribute in combination with role "parkingSiteAddress". |
contactPersonFirstName | String
| 2 | First name of the contact person. |
contactPersonName | String
| 1 | Name of the contact person. |
contactPersonPosition | MultilingualString
| 3 | The position of the contact person. |
country | CountryEnum
| 10 | ISO 3166-1 two character country code. |
publishingAgreement | Boolean
| 25 | Indication, whether the contact accepted publishing its contact information. |
urlLinkAddress | Url
| 20 | A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address pointing to a resource available on the Internet from where further relevant information may be obtained. |
contactNotDefined | Boolean
| 1 | When true, there is currently no contact defined for the selected role and/or timeframe. Don't use the specialisations in this case. |
Inherited from Contact | |
contactUnknown | Boolean
| 0 | When true, the contact for the selected role and/or timeframe is unknown. Don't use the specialisations in this case. |
Inherited from Contact | |